Join RSCM for an afternoon of workshops with the opportunity to put what you’ve learned into practice at a Choral Service at the fabulous St James Anglican Church, Toowoomba.
In response to the feedback from these sessions in 2021, we are continuing our Vocal Technique sessions in 2022! This session will focus on finding your voice through colour, registration and range, and will be taken by Adele Nisbet, former head of Vocal Studies and Vocal Pedagogy at the Queensland Conservatorium.
Whilst the session is designed to build on the sessions held last year, new attendees are still more than welcome, as we will kick off with a summary from those workshops.
Due to the popularity of these sessions, registration is essential via the below button.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, 6 November October at the Hall at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Woolloongabba from 1.30pm – 4.30pm, with afternoon tea provided. Cost is just $10.
So what will the workshop cover? Learn the fundamentals of good singing and good communication. Renew your enthusiasm for signing – even during COVID times. Collect tips on how to continue to teach yourself after this session.
Sunday, 24 October 2021 at 2.30pm
Merthyr Road Uniting Church, 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, Brisbane
Click here to download the flyer
RSCM Queensland continues to present its Festival of Great Hymns in 2021, but because of the Covid situation, the Festival takes on a different format. Instead of having a large central event, this year RSCM Qld is joining with local congregations to present the Festival.
On Sunday 24th October at 2.30pm, a “Festival of Great Contemporary Hymns” will be held jointly with the Pilgrim People Brisbane congregation at Merthyr Road Uniting Church, 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, Brisbane.
The Festival will feature hymns with words by contemporary hymn writers including John Bell, Robin Mann, Shirley Murray, Brian Wren, Carolyn Gillette, Fred Kaan, Fred Pratt-Green, Bernadette Farrell, & Timothy Dudley-Smith, and composers including Colin Gibson, Robert Boughen, Colin Brumby, Michael Baughen, Eric Gross and Ernest Sands. Refreshments will be served following the Festival.
As in the past, RSCM members and friends are invited to join the choir (this time, The Pilgrim Singers, conducted by Adele Nisbet and accompanied by organist Dr Steven Nisbet). A choir rehearsal will be held in the church at 1.30pm on the day. Please contact Adele if you are interested in joining the choir. ( or 0407-397-091)
RSCM members and friends are also invited to attend the event. Please register for Covid & catering purposes by 5pm Friday 22 October: email – or phone: 0432-591-652. For other enquiries, phone 0407-037-091.
“Sing to the Lord a new song.” Psalm 96: 1
Do you sing in a choir? Do you just love to sing? Do you want to be a better singer? Then here’s an opportunity just for you.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, 9 October at the Hall at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Woolloongabba from 1.30pm – 4.30pm, with afternoon tea provided. Cost is just $10.
So what will the workshop cover? Learn the fundamentals of good singing and good communication. Renew your enthusiasm for signing – even during COVID times. Collect tips on how to continue to teach yourself after this session.
The Royal College of Organists has opened its online campus, iRCO, to non-members, at no charge, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an excellent multimedia learning resource for organists of all levels.
From the RCO Newsletter of 15-May-2020:
More than 700 organists have already signed up to take advantage of free lockdown access to our virtual campus iRCO, so if you haven’t done so already do make sure you visit i.rco.org.uk to get your own RCO Member or (free) guest account up and running. You will need this to access the majority of learning content highlighted in this email.
Remember, the College has now fully opened iRCO to all organists, meaning that until 30 June 2020, guest users as well as College members can access, free of charge, hundreds of videos, audio files, papers, articles and other content covering everything from technique to repertoire, performance to professional skills.
Click here to visit i.rco.org.uk
Please do continue to share this information as widely as you can with anyone who you think might find it helpful, and encourage them to subscribe at www.rco.org.uk/email_preferences.php
We will continue to publish a regular Covid-19 update email as the situation develops, containing the by-now familiar mix of resources, advice and information for organists and choral directors. From this week onwards the email will be published fortnightly, every other Friday lunchtime.