Event Information
SA: Spring Festival with Dr Jamie Lynn Webster
Friday 23 October – St Mary Magdalene's Anglican Church, 26 Moore St, Adelaide
Saturday 24 October – Central Adelaide location TBCCOVID. What more to say?
Although the planned event with Chris Watson (Former Tallis Scholar, now Director of Chapel Music at Trinity College, University of Melbourne) will have to be postponed (again!) until 2022 due to interstate border restrictions, we are very fortunate that our 2021 Spring Festival will now be directed by Dr Jamie Lynn Webster, Music Co-Ordinator, Noarlunga Uniting Church.
Jamie has a PhD in Musicology and Ethnomusicology from the University of Oregon, a Masters Degree in Music from University of Oregon and two Bachelors Degrees in Music from California State University. She has 25 years’ experience of working with churches and is an accomplished musician, composer and arranger.Costs:
Friday night: FREE! This year the intention is for the service to be more participatory.
Saturday: $30 for members. $50 for non-members
Registrations will be required for this festival (both days) – please register via TryBooking at https://www.trybooking.com/BQILO
Please be aware that masks will probably be required. We strongly recommend that you BYO lunch. (No awesome RSCM soup due to COVID restrictions. Sigh).