

Event Information

  • Fri

    ¡TONE UP! Home & Away


    St Philip’s, 3 York Street, Sydney (enter via Jamison St)

    RSCM (NSW) and TONUS AUSTRALIS present a unique two-part vocal & choral ¡TONE UP! workshop led by Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, former Musical Director of The Swingle Singers, and Antony Pitts, former Artistic Director of The Song Company.  Both are composers and longstanding members of the celebrated British ensemble TONUS PEREGRINUS, founded by Antony at New College, Oxford. They bring their combined expertise to bear on a wide range of music from early polyphony in original notation to a cappella jazz, including movements from Joanna’s brand-new choral re-imagining of Vivaldi’s The Four SeasonsA Season to Sing.  

    Friday 28 March & Friday 4 April 6.30pm–9pm
    St Philip’s, 3 York Street, Sydney 
    (enter via Jamison St)
    Tickets: $60 ($45*) per evening or $100 ($75*) for both evenings
    *RSCM members

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